Friday, July 23, 2010

How to dress for the event 101.

Hey all. It's Pui Yen here blogging on how to dressappropriately for our Graduation Night. Our Graduation Night is around the corner and I've been asked byPuriee and Amirah to blog on this to give you an idea on how to dress according to the theme. I understand that the theme for our P&G will be 'Spring Zing' and so, we will have to go for the sweet and more of a semi formal look. Something fun.


We're doing the Grad Night in October so it's consider as Spring if we follow the Australian season but in America and all of Europe, it'd be Autumn. I take that we follow the Australian season. So spring is where flowers bloom and we can dress in our best floral outfits. For girls, it's extremely easy. If you're a Muslim, you can never go wrong with a pretty floral baju kurung or baju kebaya. If you want something different, go for a floral dress and with a cardigan. Anything with flowers and bright is good.

This dress is just an illustration to what spring dresses are like.

This is something more casual. If the dress is more colourful, it would be better.

This is very pretty if you want to look glamorous and fun! You can wear a shawl with this. You'll look amazing. ;D

This is very classic! VERY CHIC! I love it! You can wear this with leggings and cardigan!

You could try this! This is really pretty!

Maxi dresses are like the prettiest dresses of all. I've always wanted to wear a maxi dress. With this theme, you can wear a maxi dress and look SUPER fab!

If you're thinking of Baju Kurung or Kebaya, I don't have much ideas because I would wear dresses. ;) I only managed to get one picture from Google Image but you get the idea right? Floral baju

kebaya or baju kurung. How hard could it be?

For boys, it's literally open. It's more of a semi-formal theme rather than formal. You can wear anything. Suits with buttoned down collared shirt are very flattering on boys. Preferably, the shirt inside is something bright coloured so it looks more 'spring'! But keep in mind that you don't need to dress so formal. Put some funk in it. You don't even need to wear a tie if you're not comfortable with it. Slacks and vest would look good. If you're feeling very spring, you can even put on flowers on the pocket of your suit or put on corsages! With corsages, it'll look VERY prom. You can even wear a dark coloured jeans with a nice collared tee and that'll be okay if you're opting for something very simple. But please, no shorts.

If you don't know what corsages are, this is an example of a corsage!

This is to give you the idea. Something not very formal.

Something less formal. This is Gucci btw. ;D

THIS WOULD BE PERFECT! Girls would go gaga when you wear this lol. SERIOUSLY. If you want to be more fancy, put on a skinny tie. That'll look hott. ;D

That's it and I'm signing off. Thanks for reading and I hope I helped in giving some fashion ideas. Remember to dress to kill for our Graduation Night because it's gonna be once in a lifetime. ;)


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You're so gay. (Edisi Lelaki)

Ade lelaki(dirahsiakan) yang cakap kat saya.
Muke kerut2,
Suara bajek2 manja gitu,
Pastu mulut muncung, baik punya lah kan.
Sexy lah konon.

"Sherrrrrr, kalau tema musim bunga zing, kiteorg lelaki nak pakai apee?! Taknak gi ahh gini."

Sekarang ni, kita ada DRESS CODE & NO CODE :

4.Seluar slack
4 1/2. Jubah
5.Black jeans-whatever kind. skinny,fatty, whatever kind. asal hitam.

No Code :
-NO Crocs
-NO selipar
-NO tshirt
-NO singlet
-NO dedah2 aurat lebih2, dosa taw.

Korang kene faham.., png night ni SEMI FORMAL night, ade ke org pegi majlis formal pakai crocs or selipar dsb? So KG!

Memandangkan, tema Spring aka Musim Bunga menang vote,
maka korang boleh pakai 1/2/3,4/5(sila rujuk atas).

CUMA korang punye baju dalam tu, bukan bra ye tapi kemeja dalam tu, korang pakai lah warna yang terang dan bersifat kebunga-bungaan.

Tak semestinye kene ade floral design contohnya: ( tapi digalakkan sbb korang nanti nampak hot gilew, gerenti!)

Korang boleh je pakai kemeja warna :



dan oh my God banyak lagi lah colour yang lain. Flowers kan banyak warna. Deep purple, red, dark green. Banyak pilihan korang ni.

Macam tema award jugak mende ni kan? Tapi warna baju je la kami setkan warna warni dan seronok gitu. Dan ye, awak boleh je pakai warna gelap2. Tapi tak lah semua nye hitam je. Pandai2 la tengok2 sket warna bunga2 ni. Kite mesti nampak comel gile weh malam tu.

Eh, papa dah panggil nak keluar.
Bye korang!

Nukilan Ikhlas,

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Yooo wasssupppppppp. XD

Jeng jeng jeng.

The theme for the PNG night is ....


So nampaknya undian melalui fb tak begitu berkesan. And kami pun buatlah mengikut kelas.
Spring zing menang majoriti. SO jangan nak banyak cakap pula. hehe ;p

Kertas kerja dah dihantar, and kena tunggu approval je la. Hee

So wish us luck ~

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

lapan hari seminggu

segala urusan bersurat akan berakhir dalam minggu ini.
theme,hotel akan di confirmkan dalam minggu ini

lepas trial nanti baru bising balik.okay?

line maxis teruklah sekarang,
the manager

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Testing .

Hello and Hi ! :)
First time saya pantau blog ni . Haha . Good job fellas <3

xoxo , Y

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hotel Huntinggg !

Yo. Sup?

So yesterday,

  • Mira Bukhari
  • Yayan Yaacob
  • Mira Nath
  • Iliya Muspiroh
  • Amirah Adib
pergi survey-survey hotel yang ada kat Malaysia ni. :D

1st stop : Ms Garden

Kak Yantie. Peramah, baik, cool :D
Yang ni kat 5th floor. Can fit people about 300++. Tapi kalau nak guna hall ni, mesti minimum 250 pax la. Hmm my ♥ !

This one, the pink hall. Kalau kurang dari 250, kena guna hall ini lah. Hmm kecil sikit, tapi okay la kot.

Next, Vistana.

Tak boleh jenguk hall dia, sebab ada orang guna :(

Next, Hyatt .

Hmm, no comment.

So basically, we, committees, suka yang ms. garden.

Saya, personally suka ms garden sebab
  • kak Yantie layan sangat baik
  • hall menarik
  • charge menu dan peralatan je
  • hall besar
  • kak yantie baik.

hahahaha. :P

So, thats all report for now. Sekarang ni tengah dilemma nak pilih theme. Macam-macam karenah orang. Susah nak puaskan hati semua kan. Kena lah bertolak ansur, kan?

Majulah sukan untuk negara.


Tech star 2 + 5 - 2 + 8 square root of 9 varies with y.
